Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Night of Shadows: The Tale of Three Shapeshifting Black Cat Familiars

The Gathering

In the quaint village of Eldergrove, where cobblestone streets wound between cozy cottages and lush gardens, the air buzzed with anticipation as Samhain approached. The leaves had turned shades of amber and crimson, and the scent of woodsmoke mingled with the crisp autumn air. Every year, the villagers celebrated the festival of Samhain, a time when the veil between the living and the spirit world grew thin, allowing for deeper connections with ancestors and magic.

In a cottage at the edge of the village, three witches prepared for the night’s festivities. Each witch was accompanied by her familiar, a magical black cat that had been bound to her by love and loyalty. There was Isolde, a wise and powerful witch known for her knowledge of ancient spells; her familiar, Shadow, was sleek and enigmatic, with eyes that glowed like emeralds. Next was Rowan, a spirited and adventurous witch whose laughter was as bright as her fiery hair; her familiar, Ember, was playful and mischievous, always ready for a bit of fun. Finally, there was Elara, a gentle healer with a deep connection to nature; her familiar, Misty, was soft and serene, embodying the calm of the moonlight.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the landscape, the witches gathered in Isolde’s cozy living room, surrounded by flickering candles and the rich aroma of herbs. The three familiars curled at their feet, purring softly, their presence a comforting reminder of the bond they shared.

“Tonight is special,” Isolde said, her voice steady and soothing. “We must honor our ancestors and seek their guidance.”

Rowan bounced in her seat, her excitement palpable. “And we can stir up a little mischief along the way, right, Ember?” She winked at her familiar, who purred in response, his tail flicking playfully.

Misty, ever calm, nodded in agreement. “Let’s remember the importance of love and respect for the spirits who have come before us.”

Isolde smiled at her sisters. “Let’s prepare our potion for the ritual. It will enhance our connection to the energies of the night.”

The witches gathered ingredients from Isolde’s shelves—dried herbs, crystals, and a sprinkle of moonlight captured in a small vial. They worked together, their hands moving in sync as they combined the elements, chanting incantations that echoed through the room. The potion shimmered with a soft light, reflecting their combined magic.

Once their potion was complete, they poured it into three small vials, each adorned with the name of its owner. “This will strengthen our bond with our familiars and the spirits tonight,” Isolde explained, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

With their preparations complete, the witches donned their cloaks, each one a reflection of their unique personalities. Isolde’s robe was deep indigo, embroidered with silver stars; Rowan’s was a vibrant red, adorned with playful patterns; and Elara’s was a soft green, reminiscent of the forest.

As they stepped outside into the cool night air, the full moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the village. The sisters shared a knowing glance, their hearts filled with anticipation for the magic that awaited them.

Into the Night

The witches and their familiars made their way through the winding streets of Eldergrove, the village bustling with festivities. Lanterns flickered in windows, and laughter filled the air as children dressed as spirits darted from house to house, collecting treats.

“Let’s head to the Sacred Grove,” Isolde suggested, her voice firm. “It’s the perfect place to connect with our ancestors.”

The group made their way past the last houses of the village, entering the dense forest that surrounded Eldergrove. The canopy above shimmered with moonlight, illuminating the path ahead. As they walked, the familiars pranced alongside their witches, their senses heightened by the energy of the night.

When they reached the Sacred Grove, a clearing surrounded by ancient trees, they paused to take in the beauty of the sacred space. The air hummed with magic, and the light of the moon seemed to dance among the leaves.

“This is where we will honor our ancestors,” Elara said, her voice soft and reverent. “Let’s create a circle of protection.”

They formed a circle, holding hands and closing their eyes. The familiars nestled close, feeling the warmth of their witches’ energy. Isolde began to chant an incantation, her voice rising and falling like the gentle breeze. Rowan and Elara joined in, their voices harmonizing as the magic of the night enveloped them.

As they chanted, the air around them shimmered, and the familiar scents of earth and pine intensified. The energy of the grove responded to their call, swirling around them and lifting their spirits. The witches began to feel the presence of their ancestors, a gentle warmth that washed over them.

“Remember, our magic is a gift,” Isolde reminded them. “It’s our duty to use it wisely.”

Rowan grinned, her playful spirit shining through. “And to have a little fun while we’re at it!”

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, and a chill crept through the air. Shadows danced between the trees, and the witches opened their eyes, sensing a dark presence looming nearby.

The Arrival of Darkness

From the edge of the clearing, a figure emerged—a tall man cloaked in darkness, his eyes glinting with malice. It was Dorian, a rogue sorcerer known for his desire to steal the magic of others. The sisters had encountered him before, and his presence filled them with unease.

“Ah, the Sisters of the Moon,” Dorian sneered, his voice smooth yet laced with danger. “What a lovely gathering you have here. But I fear your magic will soon belong to me.”

“Leave this place, Dorian,” Isolde declared, her voice steady. “You have no power here.”

Dorian laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the grove. “Power? Oh, you underestimate me. I have come to claim what is rightfully mine.”

With a wave of his hand, shadows coiled around him, dark tendrils reaching toward the sisters. The familiars hissed and arched their backs, sensing the danger that loomed.

“Stay close!” Elara urged, her heart racing. “We must protect one another.”

The witches joined hands, channeling their magic into a shield of light that enveloped them. The shadows writhed against the barrier, but the witches stood strong, their bond unbreakable.

“Together!” Rowan shouted, her voice filled with determination. “We will not let him take our magic!”

As they focused their energy, the light intensified, pushing back against Dorian’s darkness. The air crackled with power, the energy of the grove resonating with their combined magic.

Dorian staggered back, his expression shifting from arrogance to anger. “You think you can stop me? I will have your magic!” He thrust his hands forward, unleashing a wave of dark energy.

Isolde, Rowan, and Elara concentrated, their hearts beating in sync. “By the power of our ancestors, we stand united!” Isolde proclaimed, her voice ringing with authority.

As the dark energy surged toward them, the sisters released their shield, redirecting their magic into a brilliant beam of light. The two forces collided, the grove erupting in a dazzling display of magic as light and darkness battled for dominance.

The Turning Tide

The sisters poured their hearts into the spell, calling upon the spirits of their ancestors for support. The energy swirled around them, amplifying their magic and lending strength to their resolve. Dorian’s dark energy crackled and hissed as it collided with their light, creating an explosive force that shook the very ground beneath their feet.

“Hold strong!” Elara urged, her voice steady as she kept her focus. “We can’t let him win!”

The familiars, sensing the intensity of the struggle, leaped into action. Shadow, Ember, and Misty darted around the witches, their forms weaving in and out of the light and shadows. Each familiar channeled their own magic, amplifying the witches’ energy as they joined the fight.

With a final surge of determination, the sisters released a unified wave of light, overwhelming Dorian’s darkness. The shadows began to dissipate, retreating into the night as the light enveloped the rogue sorcerer.

“No! This cannot be!” Dorian shouted, his voice filled with panic. The light intensified, wrapping around him like tendrils, and with a final cry, he was consumed by the radiance, vanishing into the ether.

The grove fell silent, the energy of the night shifting as the threat dissipated. The sisters stood together, breathing heavily, their hearts racing from the intensity of the encounter.

“We did it!” Rowan exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with exhilaration. “We stood together and defeated him!”

Isolde smiled, her heart swelling with pride. “We are stronger together, and our bond has protected us.”

Misty purred softly, rubbing against Elara’s leg. “And we honored our ancestors in the process.”

As the sisters embraced, the spirits of their ancestors began to materialize around them, their light shimmering in the moonlit grove. The air filled with warmth and laughter, a comforting presence that enveloped the witches.

“You have proven your strength, dear ones,” the spirit of Isolde’s grandmother said, her voice gentle and loving. “You have faced darkness with courage and unity. Remember, the magic of Samhain is not just about protection; it is about love and the bonds that connect us.”

A Celebration of Magic

With the threat of Dorian vanquished, the sisters felt the energy of the grove shift once more. They gathered in a circle, holding hands as they expressed their gratitude to their ancestors.

“Thank you for your guidance and support,” Elara said, her voice filled with reverence. “We honor you and promise to use our magic wisely.”

The spirits glowed brighter, showering the grove with shimmering light. “Continue to embrace your gifts and the love you share,” they whispered, their voices intertwining like a gentle breeze.

As the spirits began to fade, the sisters felt a renewed sense of purpose. They decided to celebrate their victory and the magic of the night. “Let’s create a feast to honor our ancestors and our bond,” Rowan suggested, her eyes alight with excitement.

“With your cooking skills, I’m sure it will be delicious!” Ember teased, playfully nudging Rowan’s leg.

The witches set to work, gathering ingredients from the grove. They collected fresh herbs, fruits, and nuts, setting up a small fire to cook their feast. Laughter and joy filled the air as they prepared their meal, the bond between them stronger than ever.

As they cooked, the familiars danced around the fire, their playful spirits radiating joy. The sisters watched their cats with fondness, their hearts full of love for their magical companions.

When the feast was ready, they sat together, sharing stories and laughter under the moonlit sky. They raised their glasses, filled with a potion of their own creation, toasting to their ancestors and the magic of Samhain.

“To love, unity, and the magic that binds us!” Isolde declared, her eyes shining with pride.

“To our familiars, who are our loyal companions!” Elara added, her heart swelling with gratitude.

“And to a night filled with mischief and magic!” Rowan cheered, her laughter ringing through the grove.

As they enjoyed their feast, the atmosphere was alive with energy. The moon shone brightly above, casting a silvery glow over the grove, illuminating the sisters and their familiars in a magical light.

The Gift of Magic

As the night wore on, the sisters felt the pull of the spirits around them, a gentle reminder of the magic that flowed through their veins. They decided to perform one final ritual to honor their ancestors and strengthen their bond.

Gathering in a circle once more, they held hands and closed their eyes, focusing their energy on the moon above. Isolde began to chant an incantation, calling upon the spirits to bless them with their wisdom and guidance.

As they chanted, the air shimmered, and the familiar scents of earth and magic filled the grove. The energy swirled around them, lifting their spirits and connecting them to the world beyond.

Misty purred softly, her calming presence soothing the witches as they continued their ritual. The light of the moon surrounded them, weaving between them like threads of magic.

Suddenly, a bright light erupted from the center of their circle, and the spirits of their ancestors appeared once more, radiant and filled with love. “You have honored us tonight,” the spirits said in unison, their voices a beautiful melody. “We bless you with our magic and guidance.”

A warm glow enveloped the sisters, filling them with a sense of purpose and understanding. They felt the strength of their ancestors coursing through them, a reminder of the legacy they carried.

“Thank you,” Isolde whispered, her heart overflowing with gratitude. “We will honor your gifts and use our magic to protect our village and the ones we love.”

As the spirits faded into the night, the sisters felt a profound connection to their lineage. They knew their journey was just beginning, and together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

A New Dawn

As dawn approached, the first rays of sunlight broke over the horizon, casting a golden glow across the grove. The sisters gathered their belongings, feeling the warmth of the sun on their skin.

“Tonight was magical,” Rowan said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I can’t wait to tell everyone in the village about our adventure!”

Elara smiled, her heart full. “We’ll share our story and remind them of the importance of love and unity.”

As they made their way back to Eldergrove, the sisters walked hand in hand, their familiars prancing happily beside them. The village began to awaken, the sounds of roosters crowing and children laughing filling the air.

When they reached their cottage, the sisters paused to take in the beauty of the morning. The world felt different, infused with the magic of the night before.

“Let’s make this a tradition,” Isolde suggested, her eyes shining with determination. “Every Samhain, we will honor our ancestors and celebrate our bond.”

Rowan clapped her hands in excitement. “And we can invite the villagers to join us! They should experience the magic of the night.”

Elara nodded in agreement. “Together, we can create a community that embraces love and the magic that connects us all.”

And so, the sisters vowed to make Samhain a celebration of unity, magic, and love. They would share their gifts with the village, reminding everyone of the importance of honoring their ancestors and the bonds that held them together.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, the sisters felt a renewed sense of purpose. They were not just witches; they were guardians of magic, carrying the legacy of their ancestors and the love of their familiars in their hearts.

In the years that followed, Eldergrove flourished under the guidance of the Sisters of the Moon. Their rituals brought the village together, weaving a tapestry of love, magic, and connection that would last for generations.

And every year, on the night of Samhain, the sisters would gather in the Sacred Grove with their familiars, celebrating the magic of the night and the love that bound them to one another and to the world around them.

This tale of three magical shapeshifting black cat familiars and their witches captures the essence of Samhain, celebrating the bonds of sisterhood, the importance of ancestry, and the timeless power of magic.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Crystal Woman: Healing with Crystals and Herbs

In a world that often feels overwhelming, many seek alternative ways to nurture their well-being and rediscover their inner strength. Among these practices, the combination of crystals and herbs has emerged as a powerful tool for healing and empowerment, particularly for women. This blog explores the essence of the "Crystal Woman" concept, highlighting how crystals and herbs can work together to promote healing, balance, and harmony.

The Crystal Woman Philosophy

The concept of the Crystal Woman embodies the idea that women can harness the energies of the earth—through both crystals and herbs—to support their physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. This philosophy encourages women to reconnect with nature, embrace their intuition, and celebrate their unique healing journeys. By combining the vibrational properties of crystals with the therapeutic benefits of herbs, the Crystal Woman path offers a holistic approach to wellness.

Healing Crystals: Energetic Allies

Crystals have been used for centuries in various cultures for their purported healing properties. Each type of crystal is believed to carry distinct energies that can influence our emotions, thoughts, and overall well-being. Here are a few crystals that are particularly beneficial for women:

- Rose Quartz Known as the stone of love, rose quartz fosters self-love, compassion, and emotional healing. It helps women open their hearts and release negative emotions.

- Selenite: This crystal is known for its cleansing and purifying properties. It can help clear energy blockages, making it a great choice for spiritual growth and clarity.

- Lapis Lazuli: A stone of wisdom and truth, lapis lazuli encourages self-expression and communication. It can help women connect with their inner voice and speak their truth.

- Carnelian: This vibrant stone is associated with creativity and motivation. It can help women overcome fear and embrace their passions, making it ideal for those seeking empowerment.

Healing Herbs: Nature’s Remedies

Herbs have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their healing properties. Each herb carries its unique energy and benefits, making them perfect companions to crystals. Here are some herbs that align beautifully with the Crystal Woman philosophy:

- Lavender: Known for its calming properties, lavender promotes relaxation and emotional balance. It can be used in teas, essential oils, or infused in bath rituals.

- Rosemary: This herb is associated with mental clarity and memory. It can enhance focus and is often used in rituals for protection and purification.

- Chamomile: Renowned for its soothing effects, chamomile can help alleviate anxiety and promote restful sleep. It’s often brewed as a calming tea.

- Sage: Used for centuries in cleansing rituals, sage can help clear negative energies from spaces and individuals. Burning sage (smudging) is a popular practice to promote purification.

Integrating Crystals and Herbs for Healing

1. Crystal and Herb Pairing: Choose crystals and herbs that resonate with your intentions. For example, pair rose quartz with lavender for emotional healing or lapis lazuli with rosemary for clarity and communication.

2. Create Healing Rituals: Design rituals that incorporate both crystals and herbs. This could include a calming bath with lavender and rose quartz, or a meditation session holding lapis lazuli while sipping chamomile tea.

3. Herbal Infusions with Crystals: Infuse your herbal teas with the energy of crystals. Place a crystal near your brewing tea (ensure it's safe to use with water) to enhance its properties.

4. Journaling and Reflection: Keep a journal to document your experiences with different crystals and herbs. Reflect on how they impact your emotions, thoughts, and overall well-being.

5. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature, allowing yourself to connect with the earth’s energies. Gather herbs, meditate with crystals outdoors, and appreciate the healing power of nature.

The journey of the Crystal Woman is one of empowerment, healing, and self-discovery. By embracing the combined energies of crystals and herbs, women can tap into their innate healing abilities, promote balance, and cultivate a deeper connection with themselves and the natural world. Whether you are new to this practice or looking to enhance your existing knowledge, the integration of crystals and herbs offers a transformative pathway to wellness. Remember, the healing journey is personal—trust your intuition and allow it to guide you as you explore the beautiful world of Crystal Woman healing. Embrace your power and let the energies of crystals and herbs illuminate your path!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Shadows of Desire

In the underworld known as the Abyss, where flames flickered and shadows whispered, lived a woman named Elara. She was not a typical denizen of hell; her heart still pulsed with dreams, and her mind danced with stories waiting to be written. Elara shared her endless days with her husband, Kael, a once-spirited poet whose passion had dimmed in the oppressive heat of their surroundings.

Elara and Kael resided in a crumbling fortress, its walls adorned with soot and echoes of laughter long past. Though the Abyss was a realm of despair, Elara found solace in her imagination, weaving tales in her mind that transported her to brighter places. Each evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon of ash and smoke, she would sit by the flickering firelight, scribbling her thoughts on scraps of parchment.

“Why do you persist in these dreams?” Kael would often ask, his voice tinged with melancholy. “We are trapped here. What good is a story in a place like this?”

Elara would smile softly, her eyes shining with determination. “Every story has the power to ignite hope. If I can give life to my words, perhaps I can escape this hell, even if only for a moment.”

As days turned into weeks, Elara's longing to write consumed her. She envisioned a novel, a tale of love and courage that could transcend their bleak existence. The characters would rise from the ashes, defying the darkness surrounding them, much like she wished to do.

One fateful night, while gathering kindling near the edge of their fortress, Elara stumbled upon an ancient, dusty tome half-buried in the ground. Its cover shimmered faintly, and as she brushed away the dirt, she felt an electric pulse of energy. Inside, the pages were filled with spells and incantations—a guide to unlocking the power of words.

Excitedly, she brought it back to Kael. “Look! This could help me write my novel! If I can harness this magic, I can create a world so vivid that it will pull us both from this place!”

Kael's expression shifted from skepticism to cautious hope. “But magic in the Abyss is dangerous, Elara. It can twist your intentions and bind you deeper into this realm.”

Determined, Elara began to study the tome, practicing the incantations under the flickering firelight. Each word she spoke resonated within her, filling her with inspiration and strength. As she wrote her novel, the words seemed to come alive, painting vibrant pictures of a world filled with light, love, and laughter.

Yet, with each passing day, Kael grew more distant. The shadows of the Abyss weighed heavily on him, and he feared the power Elara was invoking. “You must stop,” he pleaded one evening, his voice breaking. “You are drawing attention from forces we cannot control.”

But Elara was resolute. “This is my chance to break free, Kael! If I can finish this novel, I can change our fate!”

As she wrote feverishly, the energy from her words began to ripple through the Abyss. Creatures of darkness stirred, drawn by the magic that radiated from her pages. The ground trembled as the boundaries between the realms began to blur.

One stormy night, as Elara penned the final chapter, a vortex of shadows erupted around her. Kael rushed to her side, fear etched across his face. “You have to stop! You’re calling them!”

“No!” she cried, her voice fierce. “This is my story, and I will see it through!”

With a final flourish, she completed the last sentence, sealing the magic within the book. The moment her pen lifted from the page, a blinding light erupted, engulfing the fortress. Elara and Kael were swept into the heart of the vortex, where they found themselves suspended between the realms.

In that moment, Elara understood that the power of her story was more than just an escape; it was a testament to their love and resilience. With her heart racing, she whispered a final incantation, summoning the energy of their shared dreams.

The light burst forth, illuminating the Abyss and pushing back the shadows. The fortress crumbled, and as the darkness receded, Elara and Kael found themselves standing in a sunlit meadow, the air fragrant with blooming flowers.

“Where are we?” Kael asked, astonished, as he took in the vibrant world around them.

Elara smiled, holding the ancient tome close to her heart. “We are in the world I created—a place where dreams can flourish. Together, we can write our new story.”

Hand in hand, they stepped into their new life, the echoes of the Abyss fading behind them. In the warmth of the sun, Elara began to write once more, crafting tales that would inspire hope, love, and the belief that even in the darkest of places, dreams could ignite the light.

Friday, August 9, 2024


In a small town, nestled between rolling hills, lived a woman named Maya. For years, she endured a life shadowed by abuse, trapped in a relationship that chipped away at her spirit. Her partner, once charming and affectionate, had turned into someone who belittled her dreams and aspirations. Each day felt like a battle, filled with fear and self-doubt, leaving her feeling isolated and powerless.

Maya had always dreamed of becoming a writer. As a child, she would escape into the world of stories, scribbling tales of adventure and love in her worn-out notebook. Writing was her sanctuary, a place where she could express her feelings and imagine a life beyond her reality. But as the years passed, her dreams faded, overshadowed by the constant negativity that surrounded her.

One night, after a particularly harsh confrontation, Maya found herself sitting on the floor of her dimly lit living room, tears streaming down her cheeks. In that moment of despair, a flicker of determination ignited within her. She realized that she couldn’t allow fear to dictate her life any longer. The thought of losing herself completely was more terrifying than the unknown.

With a newfound resolve, Maya began to write again. She poured her heart into her stories, capturing her pain, her hopes, and her dreams on the pages. Each word was a step toward reclaiming her identity, a way to process her experiences and envision a brighter future. Writing became her lifeline, a means of healing and self-discovery.

As weeks turned into months, Maya grew stronger. She sought help from a local support group, connecting with other women who had faced similar struggles. Their stories resonated with her, and for the first time, she felt understood. The encouragement and camaraderie she found there fueled her desire to break free.

One day, with the support of her newfound friends, Maya made the courageous decision to leave her abusive partner. It was a difficult but necessary step. Armed with her notebook and her determination, she moved into a small apartment, a space that felt like a blank canvas for her new life. 

With each passing day, Maya immersed herself in writing. She began to submit her stories to local magazines and online platforms. To her surprise, her work started to gain recognition. People related to her words, and she found solace in knowing that her experiences could inspire others. 

One evening, as she sat at her desk surrounded by stacks of her published stories, she received an email that would change her life. A literary agent had read her work and wanted to represent her. Overwhelmed with emotion, Maya realized that her dreams were within reach. She had turned her pain into power, transforming her life through the very stories that had once been silenced.

With the agent's guidance, Maya wrote a novel based on her journey from abuse to empowerment. It was a raw and honest portrayal of her struggles, but also a testament to resilience and hope. When the book was published, it resonated with countless readers, sparking conversations about abuse and healing. Maya became an advocate for others, using her platform to raise awareness and support those still trapped in similar situations.

Her journey was not without challenges, but Maya learned to navigate them with grace and strength. She discovered the importance of self-love and forgiveness, not just for others but for herself as well. Through writing, she found her voice, and with it, the ability to inspire others to break free from their own darkness.

As she stood at a book signing event, surrounded by people eager to hear her story, Maya realized that she had come full circle. She had not only followed her heart but had also transformed her pain into purpose. Her dream of being a writer had become a reality, and in doing so, she had empowered herself and countless others to pursue their own dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem.

Monday, October 9, 2023


First Episode August 19th!

 She has walked 10,000 miles through fire and ash and has become like tempered steel. There is strength in her eyes and unequaled beauty in the lines and curves of her body. She is divinely female. Every rebirth, through the dark nights of her soul, has brought her to this place. Her essence is now a heady nectar. She walks with grace of femininity, and the gaze of many follows her wherever she goes.

Yet, she is constantly searching above the sea of many, searching for just one.

The movement of the many flit about, tasting each other, but they never stay long. They're like worker-bees, tasting of many flowers, their eyes always on the Queen.

There is one. He has grown weary of the mundane. Though nearly exhausted from the constant battles of life, he stands tall from the test of time. Now he searches above the sea of women who have passed through his life, tired of the everyday. He searches for one who once brought meaning in his life. He knows there’s something more out there, something he can't put his finger on. Yet, her scent was always so much more intoxicating than anything he's ever known. Her exotic nectar still leads him. 

They meet, their eyes locking. From that moment, everytime they come together profound joy replaces all the years that brought them to this place. Suddenly, life comes into focus with amazing color and clarity. The air becomes cleaner, the world brighter. Even the music is sweeter.

Yet, once again, life moves in as it so often does. Life in a modern age reveals all, and the buzzing of days gone by send her requests, asking her to friend all the conquests from his past, all who he had chosen to remain connected while trying to hang on, not move forward. He has failed to clean up his life from a time when he had been just content to just be. His choices.

He had not prepared for the one who would move with him, and through him. 

Closing her eyes for a long deep cleansing breath, she now chooses a different path, one that does not include a man who still has not let go of a time behind them. She sigh$, then with a shake of her head—she turns and walksaway.

An age-old story. He still hadn't been ready, afterall.

And she's already gone.


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

            Fall in Love

                                                         over and over        


with timeless romance….

Thursday, March 31, 2022


My world had turned techno-colored. I would have never dreamed the expression could have any association with the rich vibrant colors I had found in the wildflowers, the rich, green grass, or the myriads of leaves hanging from giant hardwood trees. My world has lost its vivid brightness, had faded to almost black-and-white, with but a mere hint of color. As if someone had come along and begun to lay in some color and somehow become distracted never to return, leaving but the slightest hue of what could have been….

I would have been almost mesmerized had I been able to focus on anything at all—except for the soul wracking pain that had filled my world to the exclusion of everything else.

~Lenore Wolfe